Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it – Proverbs 22:6

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men – Luke 2:52

Vision Statement: SHINE FOR JESUS

Each and every Sunday school child should shine for Jesus wherever they are. They need to act and speak in ways that show they belong to Jesus.

Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Mission Statement:

The Word of God will be taught to the children clearly. Equip them to face the challenges in their day-to-day life with the help of the Holy Spirit and shine for Jesus.


  1. Children will be guided to know God as personal savior, to love and to serve God,
  2. Children will know they are loved and valued by God and by our church.
  3. Children will be guided to develop a passion for God’s word by meditating and obeying
  4. Children will be guided to pray earnestly for oneself as well as for others
  5. Children will be guided to interact with the world around the right way
  6. Children will be guided to be sensitive to the needs around; and instilled the discipline of contributing
  7. Children will be fed by the best of reading, hearing and viewing material which will help them to accomplish our mission
  8. Children will be challenged by the life of great missionaries.


Sl. No.

Key Goals

Approach / Details

1 To work towards every Sunday school child becoming regular in having quiet time with God Each Sunday school teacher would work with the Kid
2 To work towards supporting a Children’s missionary or less privileged children, communi-cating periodically involving children, praying for them . One children missionary support would be raised , at least partially from Sunday school children; Children would be presented with the mission work they are supporting for prayer & information
3 To increase the involvement base for outreach Sunday Schools ; Start more out reach Sunday schools as part of VBS follow up & Area fellowship outreach .  – By God’s grace 4 outreach Sunday Schools ( Hoodi, Devasandra, White field, Sadaramangala) are going on.
 – K. R. Puram ORSS is a new one formed
– 2 more outreach Sunday Schools would be targeted
4 To have Sunday School library functional; facilitate many chil-dren using the library Exclusive Counter during post service
More books and CDs
5 To ensure regular attendance & Punctuality from every kid of BMC for Sunday class. Each Sunday school teacher would interact with parents and encourage to be regular