Mission Statement:

  • Making every visitor feel welcomed; Encourage every worshipper to join the church family and participate in its activities. Helping in BMC ministry with comprehensive database and members records.
  • Assist pastor in BMC members go through sacraments like baptism and Confirmation.


  • Hand holding a newcomer till getting settled (making him part of area fel-lowship, prayer fellowship)
  • Assess which area of BMC ministry he/she(new comer) would like to get involved in co ordination with Nomination team
  • Help members go through Basic membership course, Baptism classes, con-firmation classes and help them to get membership, Baptism, confirmation

Key Plans 

Top two plans:

  • Engage members and potential members towards various sacra-ments and best practices viz. Basic membership, Baptism, Confirmation, Area Fellowship etc… & running basic courses
  • Comprehensive New comers management: database in online for needful follow up, linking up with area fellowship leaders

Other key plans:

  • Maintain comprehensive BMC worshippers and visitors data
  • Introduce welcome kit for new comers
  • Monthly meeting with pastor – new comers follow up
  • Completion of ongoing membership drive
  • Hard copy upkeep-membership details
  • Take specific effort that members from all language group will equally feel the warmth of Christian

fellowship and get opportunities to build God’s kingdom through BMC