Vision Statement

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” – Matthew 28:19

BMC seeks to be deep rooted in Christ and grow as a true worshipping family planted in the Hoodi area with the serious business of extending God’s Kingdom on earth by bringing in, building up and burdening individuals and families.

Mission Statement

“…We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. If we wait until morning light, some punishment will come upon us. Now therefore, come, let us go and tell…” – 2 Kings 7:9

BMC would serve God and His people within the church and in the vicinity as a dedicated team engaged in constant self-examination, creative planning, and consistent equipping of individuals and families through relevant programmes of worship, caring, management and mission.

Every person who steps into BMC for prayer and worship is important and God-sent. BMC has plans and systems in place to fit all members into at least 4 different categories of growth as represented in the figure below.


Every member would fit into one of these corners and developed from there. The church’s administrative tool would be utilized for appropriating God’s grace to run these four kinds of ends, promoting a person from one level to the other. The sub-committees will chart out plans and take responsibilities to facilitate movement and growth. Under the leadership of God, the entire system would work by the members and for the members with mutual love, commitment, sacrifice and goodwill toward one another.

  1. A new member would be welcomed and enlisted in the membership list as a visitor or new member and fit into the Area Fellowship. He/she as a family or individual will be constantly monitored and cared for by the departments, area fellowships and pastoral visits and nurtured to become an active member and worshipper in the church family.
  1. The active members of the church will be constantly equipped by pulpit ministry and special training for their spiritual growth facilitating them to deeper commitment and leading them to in turn be spiritual mentors to others.
  1. The worshippers will be encouraged and taught to give regularly to the Lord not just their money but their time and talents as well for the special and focussed mission needs of the church.
  1. Those who are growing to be mentors will be given opportunities and motivated to take spiritual leadership in the departments and then would be equipped and sent for mission work outside the walls of the church with all possible support.